Bus Passes

Various types of bus pass. Above a scratch card. These were bought from various outlets, when they were to be used the various panels were scratched of to validate the ticket. The advantage of these were that they could be bought in advance and validated at the last minute as needed. A disadvantage for the bus company was they could be used to help dodge fare paying. A quick flash to a busy driver could get someone onto the bus, they were more difficult to see than a large date stamp. They could be quickly validated if an inspector boarded.

Below a monthly bus pass from 1965. Price £7.50 for a whole months bus travel. This in the days before zones and when tickets were made from thick cardboard instead of thin card.

Above:- A modern bus pass for zones 2, 3, 4. Cost £2.40 for one day and not including the central area. 

Below:- Initiatives from Transport for London to increase bus use meant that as from May 2001 the cost of bus passes was reduced, so now a one day pass is for all zones and costs just £2.00.

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